



In some major cities in my country, China, heavy traffic becomes increasingly problematic to commuters. This situation can be due to the fast pace of urban development.

The migration policy in China leads rural peasants to big cities. Also the convenient modern facilities and business opportunities in urban areas attract young generation in smaller towns seeking a reasonable career. While cities are expanding, the travellers have to cover further distance than they used to. Unluckily the public transport system built years ago is not well functioning. It is at this point that car purchase sounds reasonable. On top of this, the political will of enhancing economy should be responsible for various urban issues including traffic congestion. In order to stimulate domestic consumption, the public are encouraged to own their private cars, but in metropolises with dense population, such lifestyle is hard to be sufficiently supported.

To deal with traffic issue, some actions can be taken. Firstly, satellite cities can be a pragmatic approach to decentralize urban resource, thereby reducing urban population density. These satellite cities featuring self-sufficient can largely reduce daily travel if people are encouraged to live near their workplace or their school. Exclusive avenues for cycling can be set so that short-distance travellers would like to choose riding a bike instead of squeezing in a bus.

Public transport should be improved in terms of route, timing, comfortableness and service courtesy so as to encourage commuters to take. The larger capacity of public vehicles compared with private cars can effectively ease the traffic pressure on city roads.

In contrast, private cars should be discouraged from using for short distance travel. The approaches include charging a high parking fee, more expensive petrol or restricting in driving days.



1、【题目】On Open Policy


The open policy means that our country is open to investment, trade and technical and economic cooperation with other countries on the basis ofequality and mutual benefit. The purpose of open policy is to acquireadvanced technology, management skills to serve our socialistconstruction so as to promote the realization of the four modernizations.We must adhere to the open policy. Because economic relations betweenstates today have become increasingly close, and no country can possiblyadvance behind close doors. Only in this way, can we gradually close thegap between our country and the developed countries.Through the implementation of policy, we can learn advanced technologyand managerial expertise from abroad; make full use of the foreigncapitals to set up great enterprises; absorb useful and healthy ideas andnew knowledge of the modern civilization; and broaden our views and raise our level of competence.



1、【题目】Many people believe that scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the government rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


As can be argued, government rules can easily become obstacles to scientific achievements. Usually, most of the world's headline-making scientific discoveries do not come through governmental establishments, admitting that fiscal funding is often essential to helping such success to happen in the private sector. It is false to suggest that the government should carry out and control scientific research because the issue is not only about money but also brains.

Just because public funds matter, it does not follow that the government should restrict that kind of freedom of thinking which is vital to imaginative minds. Apart from that, nothing is more naive than for the government to play the role of police and rule research activities. Yes, freedom--that is how scientific breakthroughs are born. It goes without saying that probably billions of government's money may be needed to carry out research projects in various scientific fields, but it must be considered that great scientists tend to ignore, or even go against the rules. Indeed, it is hard to imagine how many scientific discoveries could have been missed as a result of unnecessary regulations. To put it strongly, control is the death of scientific research.

Scientific research should not be forced in any event. It is because a research problem is less likely to be solved by any apparatus which money can buy than to be solved by the brains of a free head that money cannot always buy. Thus, it does not seem proper for official amateurs to "know" what on earth scientists are doing. Otherwise, it would not be called "research" in the real sense of the word. Trying to heavily monitor scientific brains is perhaps a dangerous attitude since the consequence is always too much foliage and too little fruit. That can explain in part why the government ought to shift most of the pledged fiscal spending from the public to the private sector.

All aspects taken into account, scientific research is two things: billions and brains. With little doubt, the success in a country's scientific discoveries relies on both sufficient funding from the government and on creative minds from private companies in which pure research is worth every penny it costs. All the government has to do is grant money and expect that somewhere, something incredible is going to be known. (Created by Jeenn Lee Hsieh)





Today, many commercial advertisements can be seen everywhere, selling different kinds of products such as cosmetics, toys and clothes. Some people concern that the widespread of advertisements may result in the loss of individuality among people, as they tend to wear the same clothes and use the same makeup. From my perspective, I completely disagree with this viewpoint.

Admittedly, people from different walks of life have various consumption views. However, most people would budget their disposable income wisely instead of wasting all in a set of clothes without serious consideration. Therefore, despite the proliferation of the commercial advertisements for the same luxury product, people would still make decisions of buying or not according to their limited income.

Also, people are capable of distinguishing whether the clothes in the advertisement suit themselves or not. Being exposed in a sea of advertisements for long, people's immune systems towards advertisements have strengthened. Consequently, fewer people would be swayed by the gorgeous clothes in the advisements as they realize that most clothes on advertisements only suit for models but not for the average.

Furthermore, so many different advertisements are provided for people's option that it is fairly difficult to be the same with others. Take clothes for example. There are various styles, ranging from classical to modern, childish to mature, conservative to sexy. Therefore, people still could choose their favorite style to meet their demand.

To conclude, due to the multi-choice of advertisement and people's wise budget, people would not lost their individualities under the strong promotion of the same product in the advertisement.





Never before was travelling to alien countries so convenient and popular as in this century. This phenomenon is partially attributed to improved technology and cheap flight tickets. Facing this travel frenzy, some are concerned that it will bring about too many side effects whilst others insist that is should be supported and maintained.

Admittedly, cross-border travel has more downsides than one. Firstly, the carbon dioxide planes emitted is reported to be disproportionately more than that emitted by other transportation means. The carbon dioxide will lead to ozone layer thinning and thereby increase the probability of people contracting skin cancer. Moreover, being easier and more convenient to travel among countries means that some criminals could flee to other countries after committing hideous crime. This will pose a threat to local security and community stability.

with more ease could expand individuals’ horizons and stimulate their love of life and they will be more productive at work in the future. Moreover, companies could visit foreign markets more conveniently than before and as a result, they could locate potential target market and sell goods there or buy materials from there if the price is competitively enough. If a company could flourish this way, employees will benefit and the society in which companies are operating will be more stable and harmonies. Last but not least, if more and more people are afforded opportunities to go to other countries, there will be less misunderstanding and more respect among countries. All these will contribute to a diverse but harmonious culture.

To sum up, despite the numerous drawbacks mentioned above, travelling to other countries with more convenience and ease is, by and large, a positive development.



1、【题目】In some cultures old people are more valued, while in other cultures the youth is more valued. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


In this essay, I shall explain why I think we that should value old age and youth, without suggesting that one is better than the other.

I feel that we should celebrate the fact that so many people make it to old age. In the past, thanks to war, disease and the dangers of childbirth, most people were not so fortunate. Particularly in Western societies, a large (and growing) proportion of the population is past the age of retirement and most of those people are enjoying life. Many have saved enough money to live well and travel around the world or to play golf or to do whatever it is that they enjoy. They value the time they have and want to make the most of it. Simultaneously, societies around the world value the elderly for the experience and knowledge that they have gained over the years.

At the same time, cultures and individuals around the world value youth. Some people value it so much that they are prepared to spend plenty of money on maintaining a youthful look, through the use of make-up and plastic surgery. Youth is often seen as a time to be dynamic and fun, developing new ideas and trying things differently. This can be very useful to an economy. Would China have been able to develop so quickly in recent decades without a large supply of young people ready to take their chances in Shenzhen or Shanghai?

These are the main reasons why I think that it is a mistake to value either old age or youth and not the other. Of course, most people will value one more than the other, possibly depending on their age. However, as a culture - as a society - we should value both.



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