

1、【题目】In some countries around the world men and women tend to have their children late in life. What are the reasons for this development? What are the effects on society and family life?


These days, owing to the advances in biomedical technology, there is a growing tendency in some countries for fresh couples to have children late in their life. From my perspective, this notable trend may associate with women themselves as well as with the increasingly soaring cost of living.

Obviously, women tend to receive longer education in their life span, which means they may get late marriage and consequently have postponed child-bearing. Furthermore, with longer and better education, women may reconsider their role in marriage. To be specific, they may attach more attention to their career trying to be professional in their field, compared with their traditional counterparts mainly performing the role of mother in a family. Apart from the reason coming from women themselves, the high cost of living in some countries may also contribute to this phenomenon. Not only can feeding a family be burdensome for young couples, but offering high quality education for their offspring could be an even more daunting task, which to a large extent hinder their progress to be parents.

Admittedly, having late child-bearing may enable women to fulfill their career ambitions and allow young couples to establish a solid financial base. However, despite the contribution of medical science, late child-bearing may make women be confronted with the pregnancy problems such as low fertility and the high risk of genetic disorder, which could be detrimental to their physical and mental health. Furthermore, postponed child-bearing could also trigger the decline of overall population, which in turn can exacerbate the problem of ageing population, ending up with more pressure on feeding the elderly for our future generations.

To conclude, although having postponed child-bearing could pave the way for women's career development, and enable young couples to better prepare for parents in terms of financial support, the risk of such practice for individuals and society should not be ignored and the analysis seems to indicate its drawbacks outweigh its merits. Thus, government and communities are supposed to do more to help our young couples to get balanced in this issue.





In this essay, I shall explain why I think we that should value old age and youth, without suggesting that one is better than the other.

I feel that we should celebrate the fact that so many people make it to old age. In the past, thanks to war, disease and the dangers of childbirth, most people were not so fortunate. Particularly in Western societies, a large (and growing) proportion of the population is past the age of retirement and most of those people are enjoying life. Many have saved enough money to live well and travel around the world or to play golf or to do whatever it is that they enjoy. They value the time they have and want to make the most of it. Simultaneously, societies around the world value the elderly for the experience and knowledge that they have gained over the years.

At the same time, cultures and individuals around the world value youth. Some people value it so much that they are prepared to spend plenty of money on maintaining a youthful look, through the use of make-up and plastic surgery. Youth is often seen as a time to be dynamic and fun, developing new ideas and trying things differently. This can be very useful to an economy. Would China have been able to develop so quickly in recent decades without a large supply of young people ready to take their chances in Shenzhen or Shanghai?

These are the main reasons why I think that it is a mistake to value either old age or youth and not the other. Of course, most people will value one more than the other, possibly depending on their age. However, as a culture - as a society - we should value both.



1、【题目】Some visitors are interested in other countries' cultures and traditions. How they learn other cultures and traditions? Why this is interesting to some visitors but not to others?


When visiting foreign countries some people think that it is advantageous to learn their cultures and traditions. How do you think people can learn other cultures and traditions? Why do you think that some people are interested in learning those traditions and cultures while others are not? Give reasons for your opinion and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience

It is common to experience culture shock when visiting other countries with different traditions and customs, particularly for an extended period of time. Some visitors are interested in adapting to foreign cultures and effectively manage culture shock; some people are not. There are several reasons why we can better enjoy travelling with an open mind and develop an appreciation for cultural differences across the world .

As visitors in foreign lands, we are probably in for the feeling of disorientation, insecurity and anxiety in unfamiliar situations. altogether known as culture shock. This phenomenon is understandable because values, behaviors and social customs we routinely take for granted no longer serve us in different surroundings. Of course, it takes time to learn a 'do-as-Romans-do' attitude, but it is always advisable to keep an open mind. We ought not to give in to the temptation to isolate ourselves into the comfort of what is familiar. Perhaps, all we need is a little more patience to understand the new environment in its historical and social context. In all events, the right thing to do is to observe objectively, and not to judge automatically as if anything different is 'wrong' or 'negative'.

To better appreciate differences culture-wise, it is also important that we learn beforehand enough background information about a country we are ging to. In case we know close to nothing about that country, it means that we might have no interest in its culture, so why should we visit there in the first place? For visitors, a little bit of knowledge about a foreign culture tends to be misleading. But it doesn`t have to be that way. For instance, making an effort to learn the local language and social customs can increase communication skills and proper behaviors, both being of great help to demonstrate an interest in a different culture as well as integrating with the local community. In fact, before travelling it pays to learn something of many things about a foreign country's culture and tradition, ranging from the greetings to the clothing to the before-meal ceremonies.

Visiting a foreign country can be a rewarding experience if we are open-minded and knowledge-conscious toward any different culture. It seems necessary to reduce the negative impact of culture shock so that the entire visit would become pure fun. After all, when we come across a new environment, we don't expect to experience everything exactly like back home, do we?



1、【题目】There is a mixture of people from different cultures and ethnic groups in a country. Why? Is this a positive or negative development?


In many metropolises around the world, especially in English speaking countries, it is not surprising to see people from different ethnics or cultures living and working together. How this comes into existence and what influence this exerts on our society will be discussed as follow?

Such co-existence of races in many major cities can largely be attributed to modern transportation and telecommunication technologies, to be specific, airplanes, computer and the internet. This advancement increases mobility of human and promotes communication and interaction between people without limitation of space and time. The earliest and most obvious representation lies in the globalization of trade and business which expand beyond the national border and facilitate people involved to immigrate permanently or live overseas temporarily. Some countries like USA or Australia have tradition of immigration and they welcome distinctive cultures and ethnics or at least they tolerate differences well. In these places, multi-culture is the embodiment of a high level of civilization.

Of course melting pots have caused some concerns or problems. Races with different religions sometimes collide due to misunderstanding of other cultures. The dominant culture may have the tendency of assimilating or marginalizing other minor ethnics, leading to the young immigrated generation being confused with their cultural and political identity. Multiculturalism aimed at establishing an egalitarian society is deemed by some people to be over simplistic and idealistic.

However, this trend of globalization seems impossible to reverse and trying to deny it would not be as wise as to keep pace with it. Cultural diversity is believed to stimulate open-mind of people and the creativity and innovation of a society due to accommodation and communication of different ideas, therefore enhancing productivity and prosperity of a society in both economic and cultural terms. Looking back human history, brilliant ancient civilizations always featured a high level of inclusiveness of exotic cultures and religions.

To conclude this essay, the integration of cultures and ethnics in many areas in the world reflects the desire of human beings for widening their horizon and exploring the unknown world and this in turn accelerates more contact between distinctive cultures and ethnic groups. Human society would be more dependent on each other and realizing this sooner would be helpful for us to adapt to the current trend.



1、【题目】We have three important parts of education reading, writing and mathematics. Some people think every child will benefit from the fourth skill added to the list: computer skills. Do you agree or disagree?


Twelve years into the new millennium, individuals have witnessed the universal utilization of computer in the fields of culture, science, military and so forth. When it comes to the education frontier, computer-related skills as well as their diversified applications,to a large extent,have facilitated students and schools throughout the world. However, whether computer skills should be enlisted in our curriculum, as a forth compulsory component, has sparked heated discussion recently. From my viewpoint, computer skills are important but not necessary in terms of public education.

Admittedly, youngsters would , for certain, gain more popularity in the future job market provided that computer techniques are offered in schools, since computerized products and technologies have penetrated virtually every aspect of every industry. In addition, acquiring the essential knowledge regarding computer or even the internet could, to some degree, help children improve the efficiency and quality of their school learning, which tend to be onerous and monotonous based on the current education system.

On the other hand, it seems pointless to add computer skills into the schooling list just like the other three, namely reading, writing and math. Firstly, the burden of students nowadays is fairly considerable. Adding a forth compulsory subject would undoubtedly frustrate and exhaust them, or even undermine their passion for studying all together. On top of that, computer skills, along with the widespread of personal computers in common household, can be gained in various means besides educational institution. It has been a quite common phenomenon that a major group of adolescents learned how to type by chatting online, how to save files by downloading the very first movie, and how to maintain operation system by installing anti-virus software.

Considering all the factors above, I personally reach the conclusion that computer skill should not be added into the current school disciplines, even though it is, indisputably, an essential technique to survive in the modern society.



1、【题目】The World Population Explosion


The human race has experienced a consistent increase in population since the beginning of its history. Famine and disease have done little to offset(抵消) this steady increase. Too many people are added annually to the population of the world. So both the causes of population increase and the results of having more people are worth careful study.Culture evolution is the major factor responsible for population increase.Early in human development, people invented tools to hunt animals. Later they built shelters to protect themselves. Step by step, they made life easier. As a result, fewer died from natural forces, such as harsh climate and disease.In the past, when population grew, there was unexplored territory to inhabit. But now, almost all the habitable land has been explored.The world's population may reach 8.7 billion in 2033. It is clear that world population is a serious issue that needs careful attention. Human beings are unique to solve problems through cultural evolution.( 发展)Facing the world population explosion in the near future. We must carry out the birth control program in order to save the mankind and save the world.





The extent to which people are influenced by advertisements can be measured in terms of the high sales of popular consumer goods, many of them being unnecessary or completely useless. Mainly through the media, advertisements on products and services are able to penetrate the public mind with half truth and half lying. In many cases, consumers are becoming so greedy that they are not only buying things they really do not need but also spending the money they do not have.

Although advertising gives people a chance as consumers, actually most advertisements tend to cause them to desire for something worthless. Under such circumstances, it is easy to change people's need into greed. So much so, they are constantly encouraged to want things--want this and want that. This human behavior is haunted by the media from all fronts: on radio, on television, and online, not to mention printed circulations such as newspapers and magazines. Obviously, a great number of "impulsive" buyers are persuaded under the illusion that new products or services could make a difference in their lives. Despite all the benefits of the free market economy, the effects of unreliable advertising are particularly negative in that the power of advertising does not reflect the real needs of the society in which products and services are sold.

Worse still, many consumers are convinced to waste money they do not have. Surrounded by advertisements, people are too unwise to perform a balanced act between income and expenditure. Increasingly, what seems to be good for economy begins to backfire because advertising is misleading consumers deeply into commercial debts which they probably could not afford to pay in due time. Thus, instead of improving people's lives, advertising may be considered as a "necessary evil" in modern time. Furthermore, as manufacturing and service companies are competing to have a larger share of the market, it is next to impossible to expect the media to reduce the amount of dishonest advertising. Besides, when it comes to making money, companies and the media are in the same religion.

After all, greed being a human instinct, consumers have only themselves to blame for their foolishness toward advertisements. Since outlawing commercial advertising is out of the question, people should educate themselves to be more prudent in buying and spending behaviors. As for consumers, what better measures can be taken to protect themselves other than self-control?





Human life can not continue without science and technology. For many years, human society has developed with the advance of science and technology while the development of science and technology has in turn brought the process to mankind. So the life we are living now is more civilized than that of our fore fathers. The development of science and technology have brought about many changes in people's life. For example, the invention of television and space rocket have opened a new era for mankind. Through the use of TV people can hear the sound and learn the events happening thousands of miles away. Owing to the invention of spaceship and rocket, the dream of man's landing on the moon has now come true. Science and technology also play an important role in our socialist construction. We may say, our socialist construction is just like a skyscraper, while science and technology are its base. Without the base, the skyscraper can't be built. Therefore, we should try our best to contribute to the development of science and technology so as to provide a more solid base to build our country.



1、【题目】Today consumers are facing an increasing amount of advertising from competing companies. To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertisements? What measures can be taken to protect them?


The extent to which people are influenced by advertisements can be measured in terms of the high sales of popular consumer goods, many of them being unnecessary or completely useless. Mainly through the media, advertisements on products and services are able to penetrate the public mind with half truth and half lying. In many cases, consumers are becoming so greedy that they are not only buying things they really do not need but also spending the money they do not have.

Although advertising gives people a chance as consumers, actually most advertisements tend to cause them to desire for something worthless. Under such circumstances, it is easy to change people's need into greed. So much so, they are constantly encouraged to want things--want this and want that. This human behavior is haunted by the media from all fronts: on radio, on television, and online, not to mention printed circulations such as newspapers and magazines. Obviously, a great number of "impulsive" buyers are persuaded under the illusion that new products or services could make a difference in their lives. Despite all the benefits of the free market economy, the effects of unreliable advertising are particularly negative in that the power of advertising does not reflect the real needs of the society in which products and services are sold.

Worse still, many consumers are convinced to waste money they do not have. Surrounded by advertisements, people are too unwise to perform a balanced act between income and expenditure. Increasingly, what seems to be good for economy begins to backfire because advertising is misleading consumers deeply into commercial debts which they probably could not afford to pay in due time. Thus, instead of improving people's lives, advertising may be considered as a "necessary evil" in modern time. Furthermore, as manufacturing and service companies are competing to have a larger share of the market, it is next to impossible to expect the media to reduce the amount of dishonest advertising. Besides, when it comes to making money, companies and the media are in the same religion.

After all, greed being a human instinct, consumers have only themselves to blame for their foolishness toward advertisements. Since outlawing commercial advertising is out of the question, people should educate themselves to be more prudent in buying and spending behaviors. As for consumers, what better measures can be taken to protect themselves other than self-control?



1、【题目】News media are important in modern society.Why are they so important? Are their influences generally positive or negative?


I think the news media mainly plays two important roles in modern society – providing information and influencing public opinion – and I think its influence is generally positive.

Obviously, the news media provides people with vast amounts of information in various forms. We can access it by listening to the radio, reading newspapers and magazines, watching television and by surfing the Internet. The ability to access news media is important for individuals and organizations because we make many decisions based on the news provided to us. Some of these decisions are mundane. We check the weather forecast to see whether we should take an umbrella to work. Other news, such as that about the business world, could influence whether we invest our savings in certain companies listed on the stock exchange.

The news is often presented to us in certain ways, using specific words to try to control our feelings and thoughts. This can be the main negative influence of the news media. Very often, the news media portrays people in simplistic ways, giving us some facts, but not the whole story. In the USA, some news media tends to support the Republicans whilst others tend towards the Democrats and the portrayal of individuals can reflect this. This is somewhat inevitable, because the editors, journalists and owners of the news media have opinions and biases. So, I think that it would be better if people checked news stories from different sources instead of only using one source.

Despite the fact that the news media can report events incorrectly or with bias, I think that the general influence on society is good. More factual information gives us the chance to make better decisions, both in our personal lives and in our working lives.



1、【题目】Importance of Education


China, as a developing country, is determined to catch up with and even surpass the developed ones. I think that one of the best possible ways to do so is to give first priority(优先)to the development of culture, science and especially education.In modern times, when science and technology are making great progress,the education of the work force is of primary importance. Moreover, many of the success in advanced countries have demonstrated that a nation 's prosperity mainly depends on the quality of its labour force,namely those who have been well educated.In a developing country such as China, our investment in culture,education and science, and especially elementary education, must enjoy top priority. This is crucial(决定性的) for China to catch up with the developed nations in today's surging(汹涌的 ) waves of technological revolution. Otherwise, the gap between China and advanced countries will be widened rather than bridged.



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